Train with us
Personal Training
Scheduled with Trainer
We offer personal training sessions in 2 gym locations at Pacific Heights & Nob Hill. Programs are tailored to your specific goals. We offer strength training, fat loss, performance and combat conditioning.
Bayfit Burn Bootcamp
with Bailey Liu
Mon - Fri 7:15am - 8:00am
Sat 9:00am - 10:00am
1 hour bootcamp classes outdoor at the Sunset recreation center focusing on strength, cardio & core. We offer Full body HIIT, Calorie Combat Conditioning & Bayfit Booty Burn classes (Legs & glutes day).
Online Coaching
Scheduled with Trainer
Fully customized training programs tailored to your goals with nutrition plans. Support available 7 days a week.

Get a free assessment with your first personal training session!
Frequently Asked Questions
A Personal training session consists of an initial assessment during warm up exercises to gauge any muscle imbalances/dysfunctions. From there, we move to correct these imbalances/dysfunctions before proceeding into the working sets. All exercises are taught with proper form and control along with breathing techniques required to execute the movement. At the end of each session, maintenance work through foam rolling and stretching will be performed on the muscle groups worked on prior.
Yes! However, we would need a letter from your family physician explaining you are able to begin a training/nutrition program with us before we could begin.
We may have future openings for our more bootcamp classes in the near future and will update our calendar schedule accordingly. Feel free to check our calendar as we keep it updated often!